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Steel core aluminum stranded wire

Product description



One of the most commonly used wires on power lines. It is made of a combination of hard round aluminum wire and galvanized steel wire. Anti-corrosion materials can also be applied on steel core and aluminum wire, called anti-corrosion steel core aluminum stranded wire. It is mainly used in areas where coastal and chemical industries have a severe corrosive atmosphere for wires, which can improve the service life of wires.

In the modern power grid, the ultra-high voltage lines use split conductors, which increases the proportion of the conductors in the line construction. Our company has been able to produce 1400mm2 steel core aluminum stranded wire, which is mainly used as soft busbar of 500KV substation. The outer diameter is 51mm.




Conforms to the standard GB/T 1179-2008: round wire concentric stranded overhead conductor. (IEC61089, MOD)


Nominal area


Steel ratio


Single line number

Single wire diameter


Unit length quality 

Rated tensile force

DC Resistance 20℃

Aluminum Steel Sum Aluminum Steel Aluminum Steel Steel core Stranded wire
mm² % mm² mm² mm²     mm mm mm mm kg/km KN ohm/km
10/2 17 10.60 1.77 12.37 6 1 1.50 1.50 1.50 4.50 42.8 4.14 2.7062
16/3 17 16.13 2.69 18.82 6 1 1.85 1.85 1.85 5.55 65.1 6.13 1.7791
35/6 17 34.86 5.81 40.67 6 1 2.72 2.72 2.72 8.16 140.8 12.55 0.8230
50/8 17 48.25 8.04 56.30 6 1 3.20 3.20 3.20 9.60 194.8 16.81 0.5946
50/30 58 50.73 29.59 80.32 12 7 2.32 2.32 6.96 11.60 371.1 42.61 0.5693
70/10 17 68.05 11.34 73.39 6 1 3.80 3.80 3.80 11.40 274.8 23.36 0.4217
70/40 58 69.73 40.67 110.40 12 7 2.72 2.72 8.16 13.60 510.2 58.22 0.4141
95/15 16 94.39 15.33 109.73 26 7 2.15 1.67 5.01 13.60 380.2 34.93 0.3059
95/20 20 94.39 15.33 109.73 26 7 2.80 2.18 6.53 17.70 694.9 57.69 0.1805
95/55 58 96.51 56.30 152.81 12 7 3.20 3.20 9.60 16.00 706.1 77.85 0.2992
120/7 6 118.89 6.61 125.50 18 1 2.90 2.90 2.90 14.50 378.5 27.74 0.2422
120/20 16 115.67 18.82 134.49 26 7 2.38 1.85 5.55 15.10 466.1 42.26 0.2496
120/25 20 122.48 24.25 146.73 7 7 4.72 2.10 6.30 15.70 525.7 47.96 0.2346
120/70 58 122.15 71.25 193.40 12 7 3.60 3.60 10.80 18.00 893.7 97.92 0.2364
150/8 6 144.76 8.04 152.80 18 1 3.20 3.20 3.20 16.00 460.9 32.73 0.199
150/20 13 145.68 18.82 164.50 24 7 2.78 1.85 5.55 16.70 548.5 46.78 0.1981
150/25 16 148.86 24.25 173.11 26 7 2.70 2.10 6.30 17.10 600.1 53.67 0.1940
150/35 23 147.26 34.36 181.62 30 7 2.50 2.50 7.50 17.50 675.0 64.94 0.1962
185/10 6 183.22 10.18 193.40 18 1 3.60 3.60 3.60 18.00 583.3 40.51 0.1572
185/25 13 187.03 24.25 211.28 24 7 3.15 2.10 6.30 18.90 704.9 59.23 0.1543
185/30 16 181.34 29.59 210.93 26 7 2.98 2.32 6.96 18.90 731.4 64.56 0.1592
185/45 23 184.73 43.10 227.83 30 7 2.80 2.80 8.40 19.60 846.7 80.54 0.1564



Nominal area

Steel ratio


Single line number

Single wire diameter


Unit length quality

Rated tensile force

DC Resistance 20℃

Aluminum/steel Aluminum Steel Sum Aluminum Steel Aluminum Steel Steel core Stranded wire
mm² % mm² mm² mm²     mm mm mm mm kg/km KN ohm/km
210/10 6 204.14 11.34 215.48 18 1 3.80 3.80 3.80 19.0 649.9 45.14 0.1411
210/25 13 209.02 27.10 236.12 24 7 3.33 2.22 6.66 20.0 787.8 66.19 0.138
210/35 16 211.73 34.36 246.09 26 7 3.22 2.50 7.50 20.4 852.5 74.11 0.1364
210/50 23 209.24 48.82 258.06 30 7 2.98 2.98 8.94 20.9 959.0 91.23 0.1381
240/30 13 244.29 31.67 275.96 24 7 3.60 2.40 7.20 21.6 920.7 75.19 0.1181
240/40 16 238.84 38.90 277.74 26 7 3.42 2.66 7.98 21.7 962.8 83.76 0.1209
240/55 23 241.27 56.30 297.57 30 7 3.20 3.20 9.60 22.4 1105.8 101.74 0.1198
300/15 5 296.88 15.33 312.21 42 7 3.00 1.67 5.01 23.0 938.7 68.41 0.0973
300/20 7 303.42 20.91 324.32 45 7 2.93 1.95 5.85 23.4 1000.8 76.04 0.0952
300/25 9 306.21 27.10 333.31 48 7 2.85 2.22 6.66 23.8 1057.0 83.76 0.0944
300/40 13 300.09 38.90 338.99 24 7 3.99 2.66 7.98 23.9 1131.0 92.36 0.0961
300/50 16 299.54 48.82 348.37 26 7 3.83 2.98 8.94 24.3 1207.7 103.58 0.0964
300/70 23 305.36 71.25 376.61 30 7 3.36 3.60 10.80 25.2 1399.6 127.23 0.0946
400/20 5 406.40 20.91 427.31 42 7 3.51 1.95 5.85 26.9 1284.3 89.48 0.071
400/25 7 391.97 27.10 419.01 45 7 3.33 2.22 6.66 26.6 1293.5 96.37 0.0737
400/35 9 390.88 34.36 425.24 48 7 3.33 2.50 7.50 26.8 1347.5 103.67 0.0739
400/65 16 398.94 65.06 464.00 26 7 4.42 3.44 10.30 28.0 1608.7 135.39 0.7240
400/95 23 407.75 93.27 501.02 30 19 4.16 2.50 12.50 29.1 1856.7 171.56 0.0709
500/45 9 488.58 43.10 531.68 48 7 3.60 2.80 8.40 30.0 1685.5 127.31 0.0591
630/55 9 639.92 56.30 696.22 48 7 4.12 3.20 9.60 34.3 2206.4 164.31 0.0452
800/55 7 814.30 56.30 870.60 45 7 4.80 3.20 9.60 8.4 2687.5 192.22 0.0355
800/70 9 808.75 71.25 879.40 48 7 4.63 3.60 10.80 38.6 2787.6 207.68 0.0358

